The students that support your program, raise awareness of the cause and fundraise, are one of the most important groups of people you will work with. Without students, you probably wouldn’t have the reach or fundraising potential that you currently have, so thanking them is really important. One of the best ways to thank and celebrate them is through your culminating event. Making sure to plan one that is fun and exciting will not only incentivize students to join, but celebrate all their hard work throughout the year. Depending on how your students fundraise, you may find it right to have milestone gifts based on how much they fundraise. This allows students to get stewarded while they continue to fundraise. The easiest way to steward your student supporters is by sending them a thank you message or email or putting a thank you on your announcements. Here’s an example message you can send your donors:

Hello NAME,

Thank you for everything you have done to support PROGRAM NAME this year. It is because of you we were able to raise $XXXXX and support the children at Nationwide Children's Hospital. This wouldn’t have been possible without your help and support. We hope you join us in the fight against Pediatric Cancer again next year.