Students that get together to support the cause as a group can be stewarded similar to how you steward individual students. Another way you can steward these groups is by supporting them like they supported you. If an organization is holding their own fundraiser, advertise it and get your supporter base to help them too. If a club is organizing an event, attend it and get your supporters to come together as a group. For teams that support you, go to their games and matches, be the loudest members of their student section, and attend their booster fundraisers. You can also shout out specific groups that support you through your various channels of marketing. Here’s an example message you can send participating student groups:

Hello NAME,

Thank you GROUP NAME for everything your members have done to support PROGRAM NAME this year. It is because of all of you we were able to raise $XXXXX and support the children at Nationwide Children's Hospital. This wouldn’t have been possible without your help and support. We hope CLUB NAME and its members join us in the fight against Pediatric Cancer again next year.